Determining the Efficacy of UX/UI

If a digital product does not perform up to the mark, then the owner of the product look for an explanation to identify the causes of the failure. In such a scenario, it is important to revisit your product through particular criteria to identify the hidden reasons for the failure of the digital product.

“A problem well stated, is a problem half solved” — Charles Kettering

The Element of Attention

It is important to understand that whether users are able to gain attention with respect to the digital product. There are several reasons because of which users are not able to give proper attention to the product. These reasons include encountering an ad, long paragraphs of text and forms, monotonous design. Sometimes the whole user experience can be improved significantly by eliminating just one of the many problems related to attention.

Value Addition

From an end-user perspective, there should be a value that your product should bring to the consumer. The value addition should be such that it highlights your company in a positive manner. Building trust towards your company will ultimately bring value to your product. Value addition is created by being transparent and providing simple and easy to understand instructions to the end users. Creating value is not a one-time affair but rather a process. Therefore, it is important for your company and product to remain on top of the game.


Motivating your end users to take a certain action is the key determining factor for any company and its product. You can never force your clients to take a certain action unless and until they are fully motivated to do it themselves. Therefore, it is important to motivate your end users by reinforcing the main point of your product.

Increased Engagement

Engaging your end users is an important factor. This point should be emphasized by bringing value to the product through interactive and engaging emotional cues.

Providing Usefulness

It is important to position your product in terms of usefulness to the users. Such an approach will help in determining the benefit of using your product to the end users.

Adding Periodic Freshness

Always have a strategy to revamp your product by adding fresh content and interactive cues to increase engagement. This approach will help in bringing freshness to your product.

Ensuring Easiness

Your digital product should not be a hassle for users else they will always opt for alternatives. Time and money can be some of the key factors because of which end users might prefer other products over yours. Therefore, it is important to have a comprehensive assessment of why it is hard to use your product. Your digital product will always stand out if you provide easiness, freshness and increased interactivity with your end users.

Your digital product will always stand out if you provide easiness, freshness and increased interactivity with your end users.


The Mobile Ul/UX design of your app development is a very critical aspect of your app. If your app is to be successful, then it will entirely depend on your mobile app User Interface and User Experience. You need to research what will make your app attractive and more engaging to your users. The only way to do this is by understanding the needs of your target market and their preferences. This mobile app development guide has outlined some of the best practices to make your app meet the expectations of your customers. If well followed, they can help make your app successful.